Sunday 22 December 2019

Pride before a Fall - Entanglement Perspectives : Part 28 - ANDY 21:00 Saturday evening

Part 28 of "Pride before a Fall - Entanglement Perspectives".   Part 1 can be found at .   Andy's inspirational original artwork can be found at .   Please leave comments.

Part 28  - ANDY  21:00 Saturday evening

Andy sashayed down the corridor keeping his feet in line with each step so that his hips gyrated as he advanced exactly as Jane had taught him.   He was delighted by the prospect of all those lovely clothes that his Auntie had bought in the Auction.   He was a bit uncertain about some of the toys she’d chosen by the dresses looked fabulous.  He was particularly enchanted by a pair of tight black latex trousers although they were closer to leggings.   He thought that they would look great with heels but they would even work with a pair of traditional men’s shoes or a nice ankle boot.  He wondered whether he’d dare to go out with William wearing them, or what Nicola or India would say.

A smart man about Andy’s age was standing in the corridor.  He appeared to be checking his mobile phone.  He noticed Andy and began to stare at him as he approached.  He looked rather shy but as Andy was about to pass, he said: “Hello.”

“Hello,” replied Andy.

“Are you a Mistress or are you here with one?”

“Would you talk to a Mistress like that?”

“Sorry, I suppose not.”   The man looked suitably embarrassed.  Andy thought he looked rather cute in his suit and highly polished Oxfords, a little downy goatee beard, and his nice face topped by a floppy fringe.  He reminded Andy of a slightly older version of William.  “Please don’t report me.”

 “It’s alright.  I won’t.”

“Thank goodness for that.”   The man hesitated for a moment and then blurted,   “You look wonderful.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you with someone?”

“Yes, my Auntie.”

“Oh!   That’s a shame.  I was hoping I might ask you for a dance later.  

“I don’t know about that.   I’d like to but I’ll have to ask Auntie.   I’m sorry that I can’t stop to talk but I must go to the loo.”

“That’s OK.  I’m going that way myself.   I need to go before the Auction.”   He started to walk alongside Andy.

“But we’ve already had the Auction,” responded Andy.

“Oh, that was just the Latex part.   There are other auctions.   I’ll be up in the final section.”

“You?   In the Auction?”

“Yes, me.   Mistress has put me in the Gays section.”


“I’m not gay.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“No.  Really.  I’m not.   I mean, I like girls.”

“Yes, honey,” Andy sympathised.   “So do I.”  Andy smiled at the man.     “And I’d still like that dance.”

“Thank you.  You’re very nice and understanding.   Well here we are.”   The man started to push open the door to the Men’s Room. 

“My name’s Edward.   What’s yours?”

“Andy.”   Without thinking, Andy followed Edward into the toilets.

“That’s a nice name.  Andie.”  Edward walked towards a urinal.  “I’m sorry but this is the bit where it can all get a bit messy.”

“I’m sure,” said Andy not really understanding what Edward meant.   I hope I see you later for that dance," said Andy with a little smile.   Andy went into a cubicle and locked the door.   It was always a bit of a performance going to the toilet when he was ‘dressed’.   He heard Edward wash his hands.

“Bye, for now.”

“Bye, bye,” called Andy as the door swung closed, “maybe catch you later?”  

With Edward gone, the washroom was empty and quiet.   It took a while for Andy to finish his own ablutions.   He thought he heard the door open once but didn't think anyone had entered the echoey room. He was glad no-one could hear his necessary exertions to let him pee. He didn't remove his plug.   He didn't want to: after four hours of wear, it was sitting very comfortably, snug and warm exactly like his Aunt would want.   She would have the privilege of taking it out later and would no doubt substitute something even more pleasurable when they were in bed together. Due to the pressures of work and travel it had been a week since Andy had been able to stay the night with his Aunt and he felt badly in need of her close embrace.  And when she had finished and removed her harness,  he would want to dwell in moist darkness and spend a very long time kissing her in that very special place he knew so well.  Andy had a little shiver of pleasure at the thought. 

When he'd finished, he washed and dried his hands.   He checked the mirror, applied a few dabs of powder and retouched his lipstick and added an extra veneer of gloss.  He loved it when his Aunt kissed him on the dancefloor while they were having a smooch to a slow number. It always caused a bit of a stir.  He wanted his lips to look their lustrous, glistening best.    He left the restroom feeling much more comfortable.   As he stepped into the corridor he looking forward to telling Auntie about the nice young man he’d met and whether they might have a dance.  And then it all went dark.

end of Part 28


  1. Oopsie, just when I thought things were going smoothly.
    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day. Thanks for all of the new additions.

  2. Thank you Lee. I think you're the ony one who's managed to stick with the story.
    Yes, I'm afraid Rebecca's plan is working. Andy has been kidnapped. And to Aunt Jane's horror, soon he'll be a prize in the Auction. I know you don't like Jane but she does care about her nephew. Andy loves her so much too. Although he can get grumpy, he loves the road she's taken him down ever since he was young. She may be over 20 years older than him but she will always be his object of female affection. She is genuinely horrified by what might happen to him.

  3. I have been trying to follow. Interesting, but I am easily confused. I prefer numbers. Although a pretty little thing is a nice distraction.

    1. If you would like, I will send you the parts in a chronological order but will need your email address. All the parts are now published 1 to 33.
